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北京星科嘉锐自动化技术有限公司成立于2003年。 公司一直专注于为数控机床和机械制造行业提供专业线束产品, 主要产品为ESY系列电缆线束。公司位于北京通州光机电一体化产业基地, 拥有1500平方米生产车间. 2006年获得IS9001 质量管理体系认证。 2009年被北京市科委认定为高新技术企业。
ESY 系列电缆线束产品广泛应用于数控金属加工机床, 印刷机械, 橡胶机械, 玻璃机械, 包装机械, 纺织机械以及自动化生产线等领域, 特别为绿色能源行业如: 太阳能, 风能等应用提供快速, 可靠的连接。 我们的线束产品全部采用优质材料, 加工全部由自动化机器完成,在提升生产效率的同时也最大限度保证产品的质量。
经过几年的发展, 北京星科嘉锐自动化技术有限公司提供的ESY电缆线束产品已经成为中国工业自动化行业中最专业的线束产品之一。 我们希望通过我们的高效管理和专业技术, 为您提供高品质的产品及优良的服务。
1. 优质技术性能, 符合CE, UL, VDE 技术标准;
2. 产品高可靠性及高质量;
3. 满足各种环境,工业现场及运动速度的应用要求;
4. 本地生产,保证客户成本优化;
5. 快速交货,帮助客户解决产品交期问题;
6. 大量线材和连接器库存,可满足客户需要各种现场线束连接方案 (美标,欧标)
Beijing Suntek Automation Technology Co.Ltd. was founded in 2003. It specializes in providing professional harnessed cables for Machine Tool Works and Machinery manufacturers. Our main products are ESY series harnessed cables. Our company is located in Beijing Guanglian Industrial Area with a 1500-sqm workshop.
Beijing Suntek Automation Technolgy Co.Ltd. is today one of the leading professional companies in the field of harnessed cables in China. We have expanded our business in CNC Metal Cutting Machine Tools, Printing Machinery, Rubber &Tire Machinery,Glass Machinery, Packing Machinery, Plastic Machinery , Laser Cutting Machinery and Automation Production Line. All our products are manufactured by using highly selected materials and the advanced equipments as well as the effective production process, which assure all the products in good quality.  
We have also obtained the quality certificate of ISO9001.  
Our products advantages:
1. Technical Standard: CE , UL, VDE;
2. High Liability and Good Quality;
3. Industry Field and High Speed Chain Application;
4. Domestically produced , Optimized Cost;
5. Fast Delivery;
6. Sufficient Material Stock;
7. Customer Tailor-Made;
Copyright ©北京星科嘉锐自动化技术有限公司. All rights reserved  京ICP备18059787号-1
地址:光机电一体化产业基地光联工业园 电话:010-81509900